About Us
Here at Ringwood East Childcare and Kindergarten, we aim to provide a loving, warm, safe, nurturing, educational and stimulating environment where children can learn and grow. Together with families ensure children’s individual needs and rights are recognised and respected. We believe in providing children with a balance of both play bases and structured learning experiences.
Ringwood East Childcare and Kindergarten is a small family-owned centre. The centre only accepts a maximum of 37 children per day. We are open Monday to Friday from 6.30am and close at 6pm. The centre is conveniently located opposite Maroondah Hospital and is easily accessible by car or public transport.
The Centre is owned by Tina, Amisha and Manpreet. Tina and Amisha both have completed Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Masters of Professional Accounting, where as Manpreet brings along a huge amount of management experience. Tina has been passionately working with children from the past 9 years. Amisha has been working in the IT, Superannuation and Training industry for more than 10 years, whereas Manpreet has a vast amount of experience in her previous roles which helps with the overall Centre performance. Their dedication and hard work conceived the idea of their first child care centre in the industry. Tina being parent herself and an educator understand the feelings and concerns of the families when choosing the safe place for the child. We would like families to feel confident that their children are safe and happy, whilst they learn and grow with us. Thank you for entrusting us with your most precious little ones.
Parents and families are the most important people in their child’s life and therefore will be encouraged to be involved in the decision-making about their child's day-to-day activities. Our highly experienced and qualified educators will provide education and challenging programs that enhance all areas of children’s development. Trust, confidence and high self-esteem are of utmost importance as from these qualities all other areas of development flourish. The centre is air-conditioned and centrally heated. The centre has extensive toys and equipment to ensure children are safe and comfortable learning and playing.
Throughout the year our centre holds many special events where families are invited to participate in their child's day at the centre or to assist with incursions, working bees or make any suggestions to the children's learning program. We also invite community members to educate children and families. Each week children have the opportunity to participate in a music program run by Rhythm & Moves, children have the opportunity to play different musical instruments, and story props, and learn a range of songs in English, Sign language and other languages spoken within the community.
The centre aims to provide children with an incursion or special event to further promote their learning experiences within the centre, their home, or further develop their current interests. The children will be given opportunities to participate in:
• Audiology Visit
• CFA Fire Safety Incursion
• Centre Children's Photo's Week
• Christmas Party
• Community Occupations, a day for parents to discuss their occupations with all the children
• Croydon Conservation Society
• Dental Hygiene Incursion
• Dress-Up Days
• Easter Egg Hunts
• Eat for Life Healthy Eating Incursion
• Education Groups Dinosaur Digging Incursion
• Emergency Evacuation Drills
• Father's Day Breakfast
• Grand Parent or Special Persons' Day Afternoon Tea
• Henny Penny Hatching Program
• Kinder Christmas Graduation Concert
• Mother's Day Pamper Party
• Multicultural Celebrations eg, Diwali, Holi, Chinese New Year, Bastille Day, etc
• National Tree Day
• Parent Teacher Interviews and Information Session
• Police Community Safety Incursion
• Science Dissection Week